Book Coaching

Are you looking for interactive one-on-one attention, focused on a specific manuscript or fiction writing skill(s)? 

We’ll schedule video chat meetings with assignments and exercises customized to your goals to get your manuscript and your writing skills on track for success.

If interested, please email

Book Coaching Services

Book Coaching – Add on to another Editing Service

If I’ve already worked on a prior full-manuscript editing project and you’d like to run ideas by me (for the same manuscript), I’m available to chat online and won’t need to build reading time into the rate.

Do you want to talk about the plot or pacing or hone in on a specific character’s goal, motivation, and conflict (GMC)? Pick one or several discrete issues that we’ll agree to in advance so I can prepare. Then reserve time in 30-minute increments.

$50 per 30-minute time slot.

Freestanding Book Coaching and/or Brainstorming Session

Send me a brief description or outline of your story idea or problem, and we can brainstorm ideas for approaches or solutions.  

This service includes an advance review of up to forty pages (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins) of materials such as your first pages, background or summary, your world-building bible, or your character interviews. At least one week prior to our scheduled video meeting, send me whatever you want me to review so I can best assist you.

$300 for the first 60-minute time slot.

$50 for any additional 30-minute time slots and/or follow up chats addressing the same pre-review materials.

For a complete list of terms and conditions, please see my Rates for Editing Services